Monday, March 30, 2009

Got Horn's?

Got Horns??

Got Horns? Well, this game ranch certainly does. My family and I were lucky enough to spend time with friends and get acquainted with several game ranchers in our area. I just wanted to share with ya'll the biggest horns I've ever seen in my life!! This rack is just a mold from a 3-1/2 year old monster buck (which seemed quite young to me) and is expected to be even bigger this year! I can't wait for that photo...I've heard this rack scores somewhere over 300 B & C points ( a guy thing) and is expected to score close to 350 in 2009. It's nice when they can just make molds of their horns and let them mature and get larger....can you imagine that?

Ashlynn holding casts of a yearlings horns (see below photo for the real deal)

I would imagine that anyone owning a game ranch might be interested in acquiring this type of monster buck genetics program to enhance the saleability of their ranches. That is where the Bucks Forever Program comes in. If you know of anyone interested in enhancing their genetic program, call me...I've seen this one first hand. The program is amazing and is worth investigating by any game rancher. If you know of anyone interested in seeing more of these unique Monster horns...give me a call and I'll hook you up with the best!

This is "Heads Up" of their breeder bucks. Isn't he beautiful??

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What is a Short Sale?

What is a Short Sale?

I can't tell you how many times I've been asked lately "what is a short sale?" In simple terms, a seller facing potential foreclosure strikes a deal with their lender to accept less than they owe on the property, in exchange for avoiding foreclosure.

Business Week had an article that was helpful
The Los Angeles Times also had a good article

Not all lenders will accept short sales or discounted payoffs, especially if it would make more financial sense to foreclose; moreover, not all sellers nor all properties qualify for short sales.

The transaction is handled somewhat like a regular transaction, except there is quite a bit of paperwork involved and the importance of knowing the short sale system within the market is essential for any realtor. The buyer should expect more paperwork and have much more flexibility in timing.

For more information on short sales, call me. I will be happy to answer any questions.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Special Thank You!

Thank you to all that supported Chris Martz 3rd Annual Toy Drive

for the kids of Ronald McDonald House-San Antonio

A special thank you to all that participated in my son Christopher's annual toy drive to benefit the children of Ronald McDonald House in San Antonio. His goal of providing Christmas to all three local Ronald McDonald Houses was reached. Donations exceeded expectations and we are all grateful for your participation. I would also like to thank Exit Realty, Land America/Lawyer's Title, Stewart Title, Independence Title as well as the hundreds of volunteers that made this event possible. Over 100 local area students participated in the Chris Martz Toy Drive. A special thank you to Health Careers High School in San Antonio for providing volunteers as well as teaching/administrative staff to supervise volunteers. We couldn't do it without you! Thank you for allowing our family to "pay it forward".